Remote controlled Car Using Arduino

remote controlled car using arduino

One of the common applications of IR receivers is in remote controlled car using Arduino as shown in this tutorial. The other major component of this project is the L298N motor driver whose functioning has already been discussed in a previous tutorial.

Before proceeding you should first know the working of IR receivers, decoding of IR remotes and DC motor control using the L298N motor driver. This knowledge can be got by visiting the following posts:

  • Arduino IR remote control of LEDs.
  • DC motor control using L298N motor driver and Arduino
  • Remote controlled car using Arduino schematic.

    remote controlled car arduino

    This project of remote controlled car using Arduino  is highly dependent on a stable power supply to be able to run the four DC motors for a longer period of time. I recommend using rechargeable batteries. You can buy the parts from this project from these recommended links.

    Code for Remote controlled car using Arduino.

    #include <IRremote.h>   // including the IR remote library
    #define forward  58359 // code received from forward  button
    #define backward  5499  // code received from backward button
    #define left  25979 // code received from left button
    #define right  59295 // code received from right button
    #define stop_button  15547 // code received from stop button
    // Pins for first motor
    int EN_A = 13;
    int IN_1 = 12;
    int IN_2 = 11;
    // Pins for second motor
    int EN_B = 8;
    int IN_3 = 10;
    int IN_4 = 9;
    char command;
    int receiver_pin = 4;   //Connect the output pin of IR receiver at pin 4
    int vcc = 5;            //VCC for IR sensor
    int gnd = 6;            //GND for IR sensor
    IRrecv receiver(receiver_pin); //Arduino will take output of IR receiver from pin 2
    decode_results output;
    void setup()
      receiver.enableIRIn();  // Start to take the output from IR receiver
      //initializing all the pins as output pins
      pinMode(vcc, OUTPUT);
      pinMode(gnd, OUTPUT);
      pinMode(EN_A, OUTPUT);
      pinMode(EN_B, OUTPUT);
      pinMode(IN_1, OUTPUT);
      pinMode(IN_2, OUTPUT);
      pinMode(IN_3, OUTPUT);
      pinMode(IN_4, OUTPUT);
    // Initializing ENA, ENB and vcc pin high
      digitalWrite(vcc, HIGH);
      digitalWrite(EN_A, HIGH);
      digitalWrite(EN_B, HIGH);
    void loop() {
      if (receiver.decode(&output)) {
        unsigned int value = output.value;
        switch(value) {
      case forward:
          //Moving Forward
      digitalWrite(IN_1, HIGH);
      digitalWrite(IN_2, LOW); 
      digitalWrite(IN_3, LOW);
      digitalWrite(IN_4, HIGH);
    case backward:
          //Moving backward
      digitalWrite(IN_1, LOW);
      digitalWrite(IN_2, HIGH); 
      digitalWrite(IN_3, HIGH);
      digitalWrite(IN_4, LOW);
    case left:
           //Turning left
      digitalWrite(IN_3, LOW);
      digitalWrite(IN_4, HIGH);
      case right:
            //Turning Right
      digitalWrite(IN_1, HIGH);
      digitalWrite(IN_2, LOW);
      case stop_button:
      digitalWrite(IN_1, LOW);
      digitalWrite(IN_2, LOW); 
      digitalWrite(IN_3, LOW);
      digitalWrite(IN_4, LOW);

  • The first part of this code involves using the numbers got from decoding the different buttons of the remote that are going to be used. These values differ for every remote.
  • The state of the different pins to determine the direction of movement of the motors depends on how you have connected the motors to the L298N Motor driver, therefore you have to troubleshoot your setup by either changing the code or the motor connection